Thursday, 22 May 2014

Employ + ability

With the rise of new political era it gives me the kick to write something which the nation is concern about and so should be the NEW/POPULAR (NAMO NAMO) Mr. Narendra Bahi ji Modi  the length of the name is out of the respect to him i had in my heart. May you progress longer as long as your name Modiji. Well let me just congratulate you and BJP for the historical victory and turn to my topic.

Employability  according to what i understand and have experienced is to make people work+able. My major focus is in Rural area because in urban there are many babus who are running different institutes on name of Skill development and making huge money. I don't have problem with them, my only worry is, there is yet no one to work for the rural population. I would like to put forth the reasons issues giving rise to this problem in rural area.
Lack of guideline:-  If all educated fools like me will go and settle in urban cities then who will be the guiding lamp for the rural people. Basically they lack guidance from primary education to higher one. If proper direction is provided and strong vision is developed then there will be less failure. So i take a responsibility to guide them whenever and however it may be possible.
Lengthy Education system:- I don't have any problem with education system, but with the amount of time and money involved for one to be graduate and Post graduate is worrisome. My rural youth hardly manage to clear the SSC exam forget about the HSC the Graduation and PG. So there has to be some alternative or the complementary solution to it..Mark my word i said complementary and not supplementary, because again i repeat i have high respect to the education system, in India.
Vocational Courses:- Dont misunderstand with the so called courses run till date in India under the name of different Gandhi. I don't know weather they were successful or failure but what i know is they will not at all work at present time. To design a course need a guy who have lived in rural area and have face the problems. Need is to make some 2 months, 6 months skill based program so that after completion one can work on the acquired skill and able to manage his livelihood. I not aim at creating white collar worker (there are plenty now a days). i want the skilled labor.
Skill Development Center(Temples):- This centers will be the temple of knowledge. I called it as temple because in temple we go with the strong belief that our wishes will be fulfilled because we have faith on the person sitting inside there(GOD) so the same kind of faith has to be generated among the youth for the Centers. 
National Approach:- When i am planning about the establishment of the centers i am not confined to my area or my region or state. The approach has to be nation wide. Let all my needy brothers and sisters come to the center and pave their path to the success
The list is huge and will have different approach as per the locality and situation no thumb rule for it. my only desire is to implement this ideas and make my nation shine. If there is any wish i had in my mind and i want to put in front of my lord is to give me strength implement this plan. I am sure Employability will be the problem of past.


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